It is the responsibility of each homeowner to provide for the proper maintenance and repair of their home. Any activity that may detract from property values or visual harmony within our community should be avoided.
The actions of any family members, guests, renters, or workmen are the responsibility of the homeowners with regard to Association Rules and Regulations. Violation of these rules subjects the homeowner to a potential fine.
The understanding of any compliance with Old Bridge Township ordinances is the responsibility of each homeowner.
Lawns - In accordance with the Old Bridge Township ordinance, all homeowners are required to water and cut lawn areas surrounding their homes.
Basketball Hoops/Skate Boarding Equipment - When not in use, equipment shall not be a safety hazard or obstruction. Storage must be off the public street. Proper conduct must be adhered to.
Drive 25 - The speed limit is 25mph. Be responsible.
Snow Removal - In accordance with the Old Bridge Township ordinance, all homeowners are required to remove snow from their sidewalks within 12 hours of daylight after the same fall or forms thereon. (S435-7)